This post shall constitute a rambling, extravagant flurry of words, which may or may not – depending on the light, I guess – demonstrate verily any part of what is to be discussed. There will be an attempt, however, to hold to certain ethical standards, such as objectivity, balance of presentation, etc. I shall most likely fail to achieve that. (Also, this might just spoil your lovely day.)
You have been warned.
“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one you have.” - Emile Chartier
Fear not, my dear, vociferous, readers, I do not intend to frighten or disappoint, or insult. My objective on this special day is rather simple – I shall continue to speak about Ideas.
When I say that, I refer to Ideas as the all-embracing concept of eternal, enduring, exhilarating epiphanies our species has come to depend on so greatly. We are not wrong to do that, I believe...
However, too often we forget. We need to harness Ideas – too often we presume to possess complete and perfect understanding. We flaunt our utterly unfounded notions and present them as facts, without any prior deep examination of all aspects of the issue at hand, without any inherent logic to our statements...
We need critical thinking, if we are to harness the true power and develop the full potential of our most precious Ideas. We need to admit the possibility of being wrong... Imagine, for a brief moment at least, where our species would be now, if we could all think before we speak.
This is a truly remarkable dream, I’m certain you’ll agree. I shall always wonder if it will be possible one day to make it our reality.
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