‘...as neere is Fancie to Beautie, as the pricke to the Rose, as the stalke to the rynde, as the earth to the roote.’ – John Lyly
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, they say… If the verity of that statement is accepted as final, then the logical extrapolation would consist of fascinating conclusions – exempli gratia, truth is subjective. So is morality. So is each and every ideal our species has given rise to over the centuries.
This irrefutable relativity of our perception has significant consequences. Indeed, the way we choose to see this world is a prominent source of ambiguity: from it stem both personal miscalculations and global dilemmas.
Yet, if this path of logic is pursued, we may also safely assume that our choices, opinions, ideas and motives do have certain importance – they entail implications for at least one person, ergo they matter.
Which probably means that – the chances are – someone, somewhere actually gives a damn about what you think. They are also likely to be interested in you as a person – at least on a very broad, general level. A logical inference of this possibility is the fact that you are not alone.
Loneliness is, after all, simply a matter of perception.
Love the last sentence :}