Veritas vos liberabit. But it is not yet the day when the truth shall set us free... Let us bring it closer.



May I presume to believe that you assumed the most engaging topic of this enthralling day would be Love?
If you did, you needn’t buy a lottery ticket, trust me.
Indeed, what would I have to say about Love? I am utterly confident I know too little about it. Yet, at the same time, I feel quite satisfied to remain ignorant and unenlightened about other, perchance higher, levels of unrequited emotion. Thank you very much.
Therefore, without further a due, I shall proceed with the less engaging, less frustrating and less interesting subject of– Oh, why bother? I might as well try to pretend that I have something meaningful to say.
What would that be, you may wonder...
What could I possibly say that has not been repeated thousands of times by singers and poets, and actors, and each and every other person who ever lived and loved, and lost? Are there any words left that are potent and boundless enough to capture the true essence of Love? Haven’t they all passed into oblivion through the whispers of lovers on a gentle, quiet night? Lost, precious, timeless words you and I will never hear.
What can I say about Love? Only what I truly know, only what lives within the depths of my hopeful heart. And those words are not meant to be said. I believe you already know that. I believe you know why.
If you ever find those same words, if you ever feel them in another heart...
I know nothing of Love.


Fully Fledged Member

It would be rather ironic to mention that I’ve been writing about why writing matters to me.
But now that we’ve actually established that, we may proceed to the topic of major significance to my charming persona on a day as lovely as this one – namely, the truth about perspectives. My truth, that is. The truth, perhaps, but from my perspective.
Depending on how long you’ve been an active, fully fledged member of club Life, you may or may not have noticed that people are quite different from one another. Indeed, we are all, in various ways, unique. And this makes life so horrendous and unbearable so often. It is also what makes it, at times, an incredibly invigorating and fun adventure – discovering other people, trying to take a glimpse into their souls.
All the emotions that originate from that attempt to reach another person, even the negative ones, are what makes life worthy of our will to live. Or so I have come to believe...
There is an apparent divide on this issue. It would seem that there are those poor, deluded souls who decline to see this truly wonderful aspect of life. They would have us think that we can never truly understand another person.
Of course, they may be right. I might be the one who errs. I shall not demand blind faith in my words. The choice is yours, as it always has been. (And, hopefully, always shall be.) I will, however, say one word, just one more word, and then let you decide if I’ve stumbled onto another speck of truth...


Incentive to Persevere

I guess my reason for writing this blog is deeply en-rooted in my admiration for people who always find a way to say what they want, need and decide to say.
This has worked me. I have done it a once or twice in real life. Or maybe just once. Or perhaps I haven’t. Never mind. My point is, we are judged too much by too many people in real life. People have certain expectations, stemming from both personal and societal background, and one cannot at all times state his or her mind.
In this one respect, the Internet does offer something truly better, a wonderful sense of freedom – one of its most alluring qualities, if I may say so. This freedom from judgement might be the logical consequence of no one really giving a damn. Nevertheless, it is there and it is a powerful incentive to persevere.
There is, however, a rather simple issue. Even here, one has to be a brave person to speak of what he or she truly believes in. Precisely like in real life, writing is a medium with a delayed reception and response. But I think (and feel) it is a very exacting one – the writer bares his or her soul for the rest of the world to see, and does this to a great depth. And we all know how often the world is kind and loving, and understanding, and encouraging.
This is the reason why I have always admired writers and imagined what it would be like to stand amongst their proud ranks. To create something... more. To give something good and pure to this wretched little world. Because writing, I believe, has the power to bring hearts together, to heal rifts, to add meaning and light the way forward.
It is, and always shall be, one of my greatest dreams.


Fare Thee Well!

I am sad to announce that this shall be my final post. Today I resign from the noble task of penning down my random thoughts; I leave this blog in my past. And I do that without so much as a second thought.
Well... No, I’m not. (Sorry about that, by the way.) Come on, how could you think even for a moment I’d stop? Why would I? This is such a brilliant ego-boost. Although, when I think about it, I’m not really certain if anyone actually reads this blog. Oh, and if I consider it a bit further, I might reach the (rather logical) conclusion that my ego most definitely does not need a boost.
Perhaps there is another reason for my writing this...
All right, all right. I shan't leave you guessing, worry not.
Here’s why: I have no bloody idea.


As Promised...

This was supposed to be the last ‘serious’ post. The last one to display my (at times illogical) nature by consisting of my opinion, some complex words and sentences and of what I have come to see as slivers and flecks of something true – the occasional flash of comprehension, that moment of clarity when you think you just might make sense of it all.
Now, we all know what the likelihood of my abandoning this heavy, rigid style is, do we not? Precisely. You guessed right...
And having established that this shall, by no means, be my last serious post, I should perhaps, try to mention that the incredibly, hugely, enormously important topic of this resplendent, love-infused day is Science. (at least here in Loony Town)
Science... is, in my not so humble opinion (obviously, or why else would I be sharing it?), the engine that propels our species onwards. And exactly like an engine in a vehicle, it is utterly benign. Until pointed in a direction, of course.
If I may extend this extremely poor metaphor a bit further – and it was terrible; Science is just the engine, and the engine isn't the part that determines the heading. And we all know there have been many horrible drivers throughout the millennia. (I am now utterly frustrated with my poor choice of words here and shall, with embarrassment and resignation, move on.)
You may be a bit surprised by this, but I’ve found it rather hard to be positive about humanity in recent years. Very few endeavours of our species have led to something good...
I have already spoken of the power of Art. I will now say that I hold Science in as high regard. After all, in many ways, the two are quite similar. They both have the promise of greatness hidden within them. Both have been used for good and evil. Both have so much more to offer us. Perhaps infinitely more...
Yet, I was to speak of Science.
We seem to be much more afraid of it than of many other aspects of our world. I wonder why... Admittedly, we do possess technology that can wipe us from this universe many times over. And, yes, we don’t really seem like a very mature species – there are a few divides here and there. But there is little to be scared of, really.
These are all foolish, short-sighted, unimaginative notions. Barriers and boundaries we have conjured up to preserve the bloody status quo... “But knowledge is preferable to ignorance,” Dr. Carl Sagan once said.
I am proud to admit I love these words. I feel them with every fibre of my being. And yet... I wonder about who else sees what I see. 
       However little that may be.


Broken Cogwheel

Once upon a time (about half an hour ago), there was a sad, angry boy who realised something that might, according to some, be dubbed ‘important’.
The world is a mess and has been a mess for a very long time. Possibly, the world has been a mess ever since we rose to prominence. Or maybe not.
But am I wrong when I consider this important? Do all people reach that conclusion? And if they do, do they keep thinking about it?
I know I do. I keep trying to think of a better way, or a way out, or at least a way to make things a little more tolerable. 
       Still, I realise that I might be the one who’s wrong. I might be the broken cogwheel that hinders the flawless tick-tock of the well-oiled machine we have built for ourselves.
But then again, I just might have glimpsed a bit of a truth when I spoke of the cage we’ve locked from the inside. Either way, I’m being too serious for my own good and I will soon be running out of stale sarcasm.
I have one more serious topic to discuss, however. Only one more, I promise.
You do realise I’m lying when I say that, don’t you?


Our Saving Grace

I spoke of decline...
Perhaps I should have used another word – decay. There is a brilliant phrase by the great Ernst Fischer: “In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with its social function, art must show the world as changeable. And help to change it.”
I hold these words quite close to my heart. And I do believe they have some truth in them. If there really is any pure and good result of the ascension of our species to dominance, it is Art. It is our saving grace, if you will.
And without it, we are nothing...
You might not believe in that. But try to imagine our world without music, for example. Forget that people dance or sing, or play instruments.
There are other examples. This extrapolation may be taken a step further. And then another, and then another. I believe I’ve made my point; the world would be a much sadder, greyer place, if Art, in all its diverse and wonderful mediums, had never come to life.
The true reason for my great faith in the power of Art is that it seems to always have an influence on us. It may lead you to disaster, it may lead you down the wrong path. Yet, in its most potent and truest form, Art shall bestow upon you the need to be a better human being.
Such, I think, is the true power of Art...



I do believe truths are hard, almost impossible to find. I have been talking about them. I would like to discuss them – I need to do it – in as much depth as I can. Hence, the name of this blog...
It ought to be enough to say that Veritas was the goddess of truth in Roman mythology. Should we be surprised that they valued the truth enough to invent a deity to represent that elusive, abstract notion? I think not. It seems to me that they were quite familiar with human nature... Which probably hasn’t changed all that much since those times.
I don’t mean to say that there are none of us today who strive towards a greater understanding. I am simply trying to make the statement that today the world offers us less – not enough chances to pursue what is of true substance, not enough space for us to find the strength for this pursuit. I might be wrong...
Yet, we are bounded – in both body and soul – by too much and too many. We now live in a cage we have built for ourselves. A pretty and comfortable cage, yes, but a cage none the less. And we have ceased to yearn for truth, for true feelings, for true happiness.
We are content... to be content.
The current socio-economic order of our planet is a grand testament to that. While the system may be working, it has led us down a path of decline. The world society, or the lack thereof, will never achieve its potential within these boundaries. Everything is too easy, too clean, too comfortable for any radical, fundamental change. We have come to lack the necessity for more than the chance to lead a care-free consumer’s life.
Let me say that I do not claim to know the way forward. That’s absurd. No one man should ever say this. But let us try together, shall we? I may not know, but I’m still bloody sure this is not it.
Again, let me say I do not claim to see everything in its true form, or to see the change we need. I do know, however, that something is very, very wrong. No, not something. A lot of things.
And it all stems from us. Don’t deny it – consider, recognise your truth and take responsibility. After all, only we can make the choice to make change.


On Truths...

I have noticed that the most attainable and widely-accepted truth these days is that there are no more truths. That one can never be sure of anything.
Can we, really? Are any of the greater truths within our grasp? Should we claim more than simple arrogance, more than a vanity of immense proportions?
Maybe. Maybe we should aim for something more significant than a prolonged existence. Hold on to our dreams, search and fight, and discover and embrace. How much time do we let slip between our feebly-grasping fingers? How much time do we waste without dreams to light our way?
I think too much... We waste too much time. (I do think too much, but that is an entirely different conversation, and for another time.) We waste time both on the individual and the all-encompassing levels. We waste time on all the levels in between – in private and public relationships, in our communities, regions, countries. Our planet has become a mess because we are brilliant time-wasters. And we’re lazy as all Hell...
This has been said too many times already. We all know it. We all know that very little happens, unless we ourselves do something... The choice is and always has been ours.
Maybe we shall change one day, however unlikely that may be. Maybe we shall embrace a new, greater dream... And perhaps find a truth.



It’s not all black, of course. Only a mad man would support that notion. And while I do hold a certain affection for incoherent rambling, I consider myself mostly sane.
Writing this, I suddenly remember my initial intention to produce a semblance of a social satire, an informed and amusing analysis of where the human species went wrong. The rambling, self-pity and delusions for grandeur were not planned.
But can I avoid the occasional rambling session, the messy presentation, the lack of structure? Would a more balanced, measured and pre-determined account of my ideas be received better?
I hardly think so...
And yet, order will always find a way. And I must have it, for there are too many aspects of existence that capture my imagination. I should at least try to organise my thoughts before sharing them.
Or perhaps I should write whatever comes to mind. It has been too long since I last did this. Perhaps that way my words shall ring true and bring my heart closer to yours.
If they ever reach you through the boundless ocean...


A Beginning…

 For a myriad of inexplicable reasons, I have come to believe that I should not speak. That any words of mine will be drowned out by the thunderous ocean of voices.
       And so I have waited: adrift, asleep...
I assumed that the world does not need yet another voice, truthful or mistaken. The verity of this shall not be decided or determined by me. I do not presume to be the custodian of any higher meaning or deeper understanding. It is rather likely that I have nothing of substance to add to this world.
Yet, try I shall. My voice may remain unheard, my words may not touch the hearts and minds of others. The cold, uncaring, pragmatic, simplistic, deluded, superficial, narcissistic, blind mob may never read this. Most certainly, they will not.
But I hope that the rest, the others, will hear this one day. I hope for You, the exceptional, the incredible, the people who observe the ugliness and sadness of this world daily and still choose to see. I hope that one day You will see these humble words and wonder, however briefly, if I could truly see; if my vision could add something good and pure, and true to our lives.
May the world now drown out my voice and damn me to obscurity...