Veritas vos liberabit. But it is not yet the day when the truth shall set us free... Let us bring it closer.


Fully Fledged Member

It would be rather ironic to mention that I’ve been writing about why writing matters to me.
But now that we’ve actually established that, we may proceed to the topic of major significance to my charming persona on a day as lovely as this one – namely, the truth about perspectives. My truth, that is. The truth, perhaps, but from my perspective.
Depending on how long you’ve been an active, fully fledged member of club Life, you may or may not have noticed that people are quite different from one another. Indeed, we are all, in various ways, unique. And this makes life so horrendous and unbearable so often. It is also what makes it, at times, an incredibly invigorating and fun adventure – discovering other people, trying to take a glimpse into their souls.
All the emotions that originate from that attempt to reach another person, even the negative ones, are what makes life worthy of our will to live. Or so I have come to believe...
There is an apparent divide on this issue. It would seem that there are those poor, deluded souls who decline to see this truly wonderful aspect of life. They would have us think that we can never truly understand another person.
Of course, they may be right. I might be the one who errs. I shall not demand blind faith in my words. The choice is yours, as it always has been. (And, hopefully, always shall be.) I will, however, say one word, just one more word, and then let you decide if I’ve stumbled onto another speck of truth...

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