Veritas vos liberabit. But it is not yet the day when the truth shall set us free... Let us bring it closer.


As Promised...

This was supposed to be the last ‘serious’ post. The last one to display my (at times illogical) nature by consisting of my opinion, some complex words and sentences and of what I have come to see as slivers and flecks of something true – the occasional flash of comprehension, that moment of clarity when you think you just might make sense of it all.
Now, we all know what the likelihood of my abandoning this heavy, rigid style is, do we not? Precisely. You guessed right...
And having established that this shall, by no means, be my last serious post, I should perhaps, try to mention that the incredibly, hugely, enormously important topic of this resplendent, love-infused day is Science. (at least here in Loony Town)
Science... is, in my not so humble opinion (obviously, or why else would I be sharing it?), the engine that propels our species onwards. And exactly like an engine in a vehicle, it is utterly benign. Until pointed in a direction, of course.
If I may extend this extremely poor metaphor a bit further – and it was terrible; Science is just the engine, and the engine isn't the part that determines the heading. And we all know there have been many horrible drivers throughout the millennia. (I am now utterly frustrated with my poor choice of words here and shall, with embarrassment and resignation, move on.)
You may be a bit surprised by this, but I’ve found it rather hard to be positive about humanity in recent years. Very few endeavours of our species have led to something good...
I have already spoken of the power of Art. I will now say that I hold Science in as high regard. After all, in many ways, the two are quite similar. They both have the promise of greatness hidden within them. Both have been used for good and evil. Both have so much more to offer us. Perhaps infinitely more...
Yet, I was to speak of Science.
We seem to be much more afraid of it than of many other aspects of our world. I wonder why... Admittedly, we do possess technology that can wipe us from this universe many times over. And, yes, we don’t really seem like a very mature species – there are a few divides here and there. But there is little to be scared of, really.
These are all foolish, short-sighted, unimaginative notions. Barriers and boundaries we have conjured up to preserve the bloody status quo... “But knowledge is preferable to ignorance,” Dr. Carl Sagan once said.
I am proud to admit I love these words. I feel them with every fibre of my being. And yet... I wonder about who else sees what I see. 
       However little that may be.

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