I have noticed that the most attainable and widely-accepted truth these days is that there are no more truths. That one can never be sure of anything.
Can we, really? Are any of the greater truths within our grasp? Should we claim more than simple arrogance, more than a vanity of immense proportions?
Maybe. Maybe we should aim for something more significant than a prolonged existence. Hold on to our dreams, search and fight, and discover and embrace. How much time do we let slip between our feebly-grasping fingers? How much time do we waste without dreams to light our way?
I think too much... We waste too much time. (I do think too much, but that is an entirely different conversation, and for another time.) We waste time both on the individual and the all-encompassing levels. We waste time on all the levels in between – in private and public relationships, in our communities, regions, countries. Our planet has become a mess because we are brilliant time-wasters. And we’re lazy as all Hell...
This has been said too many times already. We all know it. We all know that very little happens, unless we ourselves do something... The choice is and always has been ours.
Maybe we shall change one day, however unlikely that may be. Maybe we shall embrace a new, greater dream... And perhaps find a truth.
Very nice.. :) I like it ;p